Welcome to the download section of LabImage.

Please select the desired download. If you are unsure about the right windows version, select 32 Bit download.

Windows versions support Windows 7/8/10/11. iOs is supported for 10.12 or better. Linux requires GTK desktop system.

Name Description Downloads Details


LabImage 1D

1D Gel and Western Blot Analysis
LabImage Core with App LabImage 1D
preinstalled, multi language

Version 7.4.1 (Core 4.5.1)
Released: November 25th 2023




LabImage CC

Colony and Cell Counting
LabImage Core with App CC preinstalled
32/64 Bit System

Version 2.2.7 (Core 4.5.0)




LabImage LA

Line Assays and Lateral Flow
LabImage Core with App LA preinstalled
32/64 Bit System

Version 2.1.6 (Core 4.5.0)



Potential Version Dependencies

Please note that versions released by Kapelan Bio-Imaging may have dependencies on vendor side due to validation reasons. Please contact your vendor first if you are unsure if the latest release is confirmed by the vendor.


LabImage SI

Image Capture and Measurements
LabImage Core with App SI preinstalled
32/64 Bit System

Version 1.1.6 (Core 4.5.0)


(other downloads on request)



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