LabImage CC – Colony and Cell Detection
LabImage Colony Counting (LabImage CC) automatically analyses colony plates in microbiological laboratories by electronically counting colonies of bacteria or other micro organisms. Boasting an excellent usability concept and state-of-the-art algorithms, the software will identify individual areas of dark and light according to automatic or user-set thresholds, count the resulting contrasting spots and deliver the results within just seconds.

LabImage CC L200
Fast and reliable with all the features you need to run daily work with colony samples
LabImage CC L220
Powerfull features with workflow guided analysis and better analysis support
LabImage CC L240
World leading in analysis automation of colony sampels with fully automated analysis
You pay only what you need!
LabImage CC comes with different versions so it is the fit for your requirements. Time limited versions cover the use if only certain period is needed. Floating licences and network storage will support your work.
List of Screens

Automation to make things faster and relibale
LabImage CC offers unique automation features to run fully automated batch analysis of samples. You can create your own analysis process with the built-in editor. Single gel or batch – we don’t care. With LabImage CC you can analyze a batch of 50 plates in less than a minute.
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